
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fun DIY Magazine Holders

After a long and grueling semester, I'm finally back home and can now take a break from the stress of college life. This summer I plan to work on this blog as much as possible, covering all the things I'm interested in and things that will hopefully interest you as well. There are many DIY projects on the horizon, which I'll also be sharing with you on this blog. I'd love to hear any feedback about my blog that you may have, so feel free to post in the comments!

For this particular post I want to focus on some examples of DIY projects that involve decorating or creating your own magazine holder or file. Magazine holders are available all over the place, but by DIY-ing it, you can help decorate your space to your liking or work on creating a certain look that suits yourself and your needs perfectly. Each inspirational DIY project featured below includes a link which will lead you to the project's source, where you can find instructions on how to do something similar.

The DIY magazine holder below is great because it adds a fun pop of bold color. If you're looking to spice up your home office or workspace by adding color and even perhaps a bold pattern, than this might be the way to go!

Below is an example of a DIY magazine holder that is super fun with its tropical-floral pattern and various colors. It could definitely add a lot of interest to any space, especially if you're going for something more detailed and elaborate, pattern-wise.

I also love the project featured below because the lime green and white colors as well as the subtle striped pattern are fun, but not overpowering, so that they add a hint of interest and color to a space, yet not so much that they would become the main focus of the room. 

The multi-colored DIY magazine holder featured below on the left is also a lot of fun. I love how placing it next to a simple yet bold magazine holder on the right really emphasizes its colors and helps it stand out. 

I hope you enjoyed this post! See you soon!

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